Just as I had suspected, we are having a baby BOY. His name is Jude Adam Robison. For those who think it isn't that great of a name, or is different (trust me, I've received several comments), the name has meaning.
"Hey, Jude. Don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart... then you can start to make it better." He is helping us heal in a time of great sorrow. I know this little guy will be what Chris and I need to get through all of this.
(Jude Law had no influence on our son's name. Interestingly enough, 4 out of 5 people thought we named him after the Star).
The middle name, Adam, is also important and not random. A good friend of ours (more like family at this point) influenced his name. Joe Adam Wardell. If you know this man, you'll know why we named our son after him. But from October on... he'll be known as Crazy Uncle Joe. ;-)
At my last OB appointment, Jude was measuring in the 28th percentile. What's that mean? So far, he's a big little sucker! 14 oz at 21 weeks, and measuring at about 10.5 inches long. He's kicking me as I write this. Probably telling me to stop bragging about him...
Everything else in the Robison life is pretty normal. A lot of camping has been taking place. I'm getting through the pushes and pulls of pregnancy, and Chris is about to start training this Summer. I've been working on and beginning many different projects to keep my mind occupied. Knitting baby blankets, starting up a baby memory scrapbook, embroidering a pillow, and starting potential illustrations for Joe's book he has written for his son.
I had hoped that the sun coming out would help lighten my spirits, but it hasn't. It only reminds me of being enormously pregnant with Alice, having her in the hospital, holding and kissing her, and then losing her all in a few short months. I want to say her name and post her pictures, but it rips my heart out every time I think about it. I think that as time progresses, I'll be able to talk about her more without the pain it comes with, but for now, I can't.